04 Musings: Unbroken Dreams

It's wee hours in the morning and looking back at my posts I see and concur that my values are the same.

Previous night was eventful as such that again I felt the workload deepening and again the incompetency that perhaps I'm not right; at the same time I'm probably the only person who is willing to shoulder all these?

Slept at 10+ PM and woke at intervals but I wanted to continue sleeping since I was albeit shag. Woke at 3+ AM thinking about work and decided that I should finish it once and for all.

Now I'm here at 5:30AM, looking at Facebook once again I'm reminded of KFC's brilliant move in taking out straws.

[ Recycling ]

It's a familiar concept - but why do so many people wish to ignore it?
Not only is it an environmental effect, marine and biodiversity are suffering.
We pay tax for it, but at the same time, people don't understand that it is a 'privilege' to have excess.

Knowing that we're living in privilege and that there are other things suffering, how can I go on to be indignant about my use of 'plastics' that could easily be replaced?

This is one thing that I can confidently say I'm passionate about, at the same time there are times when I give in because it's convenient and the modern life deems that I'm always strapped for time.

My future dream will be to promote #Recycling, #Upcycling or rather to preach the value of not wasting. I just hate that being privilege makes it seem that we have the right to 'waste' stuff without thinking. It's 2018, we're well aware to other people suffering due to insufficiency and how can we be ignorant of that and not restrict and be mindful of that?

I think KFC's move is a great first step to recycling and I wish that one day we can stop using plastics altogether - where possible and adapt bringing our own containers or having a much recyclable material to contain our food.

My dream stays unbroken and one day - I hope that I have the power or voice to reflect this.


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