
Today is epic.

I see the whirl of human err,
I hear the voices of disputes,
I feel the chock of black smoke.

As Aunt Agony Ascends,
Words flow, opinions flow.

Anger engulfs, capsulate and abolishes,
O' young one were you assimilated by assumptions,
Entrapped in the bubble you protected yourself with?

Anger, frustration, despair led to flight.
One whose soul lingered for the other pair to flee.

One who snickered and gloom,
One who listened and remained impartial.

Who was right and what is wrong?

It makes no sense, but it tells a story.
So flow and wither together with the trillions of moments out there.

For the night is young and we have our paths.
In stars we seek, in rhymes we find peace.



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